Research Data Lake

The Research Data Lake is a safe, reliable, enterprise-grade system for storing and managing both structured and unstructured research data. The system is located on the UIC campus and is fully owned and managed by ACER. It utilizes an implementation of the Amazon S3 object protocol that makes it ideally suited for data archiving, backing up of critical data, and disaster recovery. In addition, the system has been equipped with additional security controls and measures that make it easier for researchers working with electronic personal health information (e.g., HIPAA) and other types of high-risk data to comply with federal regulations.

Data on this system is accessed through the Globus file transfer system, which provides a browser interface or command-line interface to access data on the system or to transfer from personal devices (laptops, lab machines etc.) via Globus Personal Endpoint.

Replication with backups at an offsite location is targeted to be available in 2025.

General Research Storage is $22/TB per year, and is purchased in 5 year blocks.